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Pooli App and Pool Maintenance Features

Pooli is the ultimate mobile application for pools and hot tubs. It's an empathetic app, custom built for each pool. We focus on the everyday user, so Pooli offers an experience to help all pool owners have access to the greatest benefits.

Are you a Pool Service Professional?

Discover Pooli Pro, our dedicated platform designed specifically for pool service businesses. Transform your operations with route optimization, advanced water chemistry tools, and comprehensive business management features.

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Pooli - Start Here!
Kevin does a walkthrough of Pooli's main benefits for pool and spa owners

How It Works

While you do your 15-second Pool test strip test, open up Pooli app. Then, simply hold your test strip up, and use Pooli SCAN to grab the test results with your phone's camera.

That's it! Pooli instantly does the math and finds you exactly what your pool needs, and provides you the why and how if you are interested.

Key Features

  • Easily track and manage any amount of pools or hot tubs
  • Track your pool shed inventory with low-stock notifications
  • Get precise chemical "recipes" with proper order of addition
  • Access curated instructions for all experience levels
  • Scan test strips for instant water analysis
  • Connect with the pool community in Ask Pooli forum
  • Find the best deals on pool chemicals and equipment

Automated Tracking

  • Chemical tests
  • Pool and spa maintenance
  • Product additions
  • Water metering
  • Inventory management

Built-in Calculators

  • Total & Free Chlorine
  • pH & Total Alkalinity
  • Cyanuric Acid & Stabilizer
  • Calcite Saturation Index (CSI)
  • And many more...

Get Started Today

Download Pooli for iPhone or Android and start maintaining your pool with ease.

Pooli for iPhone and iOS App Store Pooli for Android and Google Play

What Pool Owners Are Saying

"TBH, this app has made the stress and confusion of maintaining a pool for the first time - a non issue. A legit 5*s!"

- SNARE, First-Time Owner

"I am a mom of 4 kids, not a professional. This has SAVED me! I tell every pool owner I meet about this app and how I love that it has enough free features so I don't have to spend MORE $ on the pool!!"

- phantom365ak47, Family Pool Owner

"Great app to keep you on top of your tasks. We let go of our pool company who only came once every two weeks and was just overdosing our pool with chlorine to keep it clear. Using Pooli, we've got our water easily balanced."

- Kelly, Pool Owner

"I have been the owner of a hot tub for about seven years now. I found this app, loaded it and was pretty amazed at how easy it is to use. I was able to balance my water perfectly with a few chemicals I had."

- Runner 1979, Hot Tub Owner

"It's well developed, easy to use, never crashes, it gives perfect suggestions for how much chem to add to my pool, you implement suggestions quickly, respond quickly, and that's all well worth it to me."

- Chris, Pool Owner

"Sanity Saver!!! I use a titration test bc I feel like there is too much error in strip test scanning. I LOVE that it allows me to customize what tests and what brand products I use."

- SaHoppa, Pool Owner