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Application Versions

Pooli iPhone and Android release notes.

5.4.0 / May 30, 2024
• Sanitizer Recommendation Reminder: New guide to help setup regular sanitizer based on your pool type/size. • Reminder Settings: Added custom product reminders and moved maintenance reminders into reminder settings. Now you can edit reminder messages. • Effects of Adding: See effects of adding products in the Add Product Reminder. • UI Improvements: Smoother animation for checking off reminders. • Improved Recommendations: No longer suggest cal-hypo for calcium issues to avoid confusion. • Custom Solutions: Solutions now use cups/weight tailored to solution type. • Bug Fixes: Fixed issues with email linking and other user-reported problems.

5.3.0 / May 2, 2024
ORP Testing and Balancing: Introduced features for testing, tracking, and correcting Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) values in your pool for optimal sanitation. Manage Inventory with Ease: Now swipe left to delete inventory history and keep your records tidy. Inventory Reminders: Added low inventory reminders to notify you before you run out of essential supplies. Monthly Inventory Analysis: View averaged monthly reductions for each inventory item, helping you forecast and manage supplies better.

5.2.1 / Mar 28, 2024
Now you can customize maintenance schedules and settings for each of your pools. Ensure each pool gets exactly what it needs, when it needs it! We've addressed and fixed issues with metric unit conversions for custom products, making the process seamless. We've also improved the user-friendliness of the custom effects screen! With the introduction of additional training data, our test strip scanner now boasts improved performance, particularly in soft lighting conditions, making accurate readings easier to achieve than ever before.

5.2.0 / Mar 10, 2024
Memory Lane: Quickly compare your pool care regimen with last season using the new "previous year" button in your history. Perfect for fine-tuning your maintenance strategy. Smarter Todo Lists: Now, filling in the product amount from your todo list Enhanced Dark Mode: Navigating the Ask Pooli forum in dark mode is now smoother than ever, offering a comfortable viewing experience in any lighting. Share More, Learn More: Got a useful YouTube video for the community? Submit links to your favorite pool care videos directly in the forum and enrich our pool of knowledge. Streamlined Inventory Management: The "Add Inventory" button now smartly disappears if you've already got an inventory set up, simplifying your interface. Simplified Water Care: On the balance screen, the "Fix Water Problems" option now appears only if your current water report indicates issues, and we added direct addition of chemicals from the balance screen itself for quick adding of products.

5.1.0 / Jan 28, 2024
Editable Logs: Directly update logs in history without needing to recreate. Add items with decimal amounts Swipe left on TODOs to reschedule for tomorrow Fixed Profile Photo Upload Bug Choose test methods more easily Ensured test strips can be selected in product picker Improved Combined Chlorine Fix

5.0.2 / Nov 9, 2023
Fixes bromine scanning and time-based custom solutions
Also from version 5: Inventory Sharing Multi-Lens Support Complete Solution Customization Excluded Solutions Streamlined Barcode Scanning for inventory Inventory History Share/Search multiple pools

5.0.0 / Nov 3, 2023
Exciting Enhancements in Version 5:
Enhanced Inventory Sharing: A newly refined system that not only makes managing pool supplies within a family a breeze but also integrates real-time syncing with pool professionals, optimizing efficiency in product use and replenishment.
Multi-Lens Support: Empower your test strip scanning with the ability to select the optimal lens, boosting the accuracy of your pool’s test results.
Customized Solution Adjustments: Introducing the flexibility to fine-tune any product's application based on the instructions, ensuring your pool care is spot-on for your specific needs.
Transfer Inventory items: Ideal for route owners and technicians, or for pool friends, allows for precise record-keeping and inventory management.
Selective Solution Visibility: Cater to your unique pool care requirements by filtering out products, perfect for managing allergies or special pool conditions with a cleaner, customized catalog view.
Improved Barcode Scanning: A seamless, faster barcode scanning experience awaits, making it a snap to add items to your inventory with precision.
Detailed Inventory History: Dive into the specifics of your pool care regime with an in-depth history for each item in your inventory. Plus, export options for members to analyze their usage over time.
Multi-pool share and search: Effortlessly manage who has access to your pools and hot tubs with a simplified process for adding collaborators, ideal for those overseeing multiple pools or estates. Added a search for pools by name in the My Pool selection.
Upgraded Water Balance Insights, bug fixes, as well as new more-readable fonts and colors throughout the app!
Version 5.0.0 of Pooli heralds a significant leap in collaborative and customized pool care. Please reach out to us at support@pooli.app for any help, questions, or feedback!

4.2.0 / Sep 4, 2023
Bug Fixes: Resolved an issue affecting certain users where 'Effects of Adding' and dosage recommendations were not visible in the balance screen. Other dark mode fixes.
Pool Closure Enhancements: Added a new feature for closing your pool for the season. With a single tap, you can now set your pool to 'closed', which will suspend all reminders. The app will automatically remind you when it's time to open your pool based on the date you set.
Test Strip Scanner Upgrade: We've made significant strides in test strip scanning. While we acknowledge it's not yet perfect, we've improved our photo sampling. We're continually refining the model, and now you can control the number of samples used for improving result consistency. Find this new setting in pool preferences.
We're committed to improving Pooli and are tirelessly working on fixing bugs and enhancing features for an optimized pool care experience. As always, we're grateful for your feedback - keep it coming!

4.1.0 / Aug 24, 2023
Easily share your reminder list via email, keeping everyone informed.
Upgraded water report email for better clarity and understanding.
Select your preferred app theme in preferences, independent of system settings.
Dark mode visuals improved for a seamless experience.
Fixed an issue with test reordering for smoother customization.
Thanks for being a part of our community. Always improving for you!

4.0.1 / Aug 16, 2023
New in-depth tutorials for testing and scanning. Tap the question mark while testing or scanning to view testing tips and best practices.
Fixes bugs: null error, the keyboard hiding in water test, water fill metric units, hourly forecast adjust for timezone
Pooli weather in 4.0.0 has smart reporting tailored to your city's weather and recent water tests. Weather summaries can be added to logs. Weather and forecast information is available to all users, ensuring you always know when it's the best time for a swim. Toggle on/off in preferences

4.0.0 / Aug 10, 2023
Thanks for your feedback on Pooli. Here's what's new in 4.0.0:
AI-Driven Weather Reports (Club Members Exclusive): Most pool owners understand the profound impact of weather on their pool's health. We're offering a tool that revolutionizes how you approach this challenge. Our AI doesn't just forecast the weather—it also analyzes your pool's history, providing precise recommendations to maintain optimal balance.
Weather for Everyone: Stay a step ahead with your swim plans. Access current weather, forecasts, and view alerts about weather disruptions in your area, all adjustable in preferences.
Enhanced Water Testing: Simplified testing experience. Easily view past tests and target values as you input new data.
UI Makeover: Discover a more streamlined "My Pool" page, redesigned to integrate vital weather data.
We've addressed several bugs and made significant enhancements. Given the extensive changes, we're keen to hear from you. If something feels amiss or if you've got suggestions, please let us know.
Forecast for Pooli? Rain or shine, we aim to have you covered.

3.12.1 / Jun 28, 2023
- Added fix to allow scanning bromine tests for hot tub users
- Improved accuracy of cal hypo sanitizer effects
- Improved button color effects on light and dark backgrounds

3.12.0 / Jun 21, 2023
Your inventory just got upgraded!
- Add photos, barcodes, and notes to inventory items
- Easily search for specific items in inventory with new search bar and scan your barcode or QR code to log an addition
- Combined Chlorine is now presented below Free Chlorine by default (enable CC recommendations from the water test preferences)
- The "Club members only" text is removed from buttons for pool club members
- Set custom date and time for notes

3.11.2 / Jun 9, 2023
Fixed a bug that was preventing the Test Strip Scan feature from loading. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve this issue.
As always, we're committed to improving the Pooli experience and making it the best it can be for all of our users. If you have any issues or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

3.11.1 / Jun 7, 2023
Fix bugs related to posting questions and answers to ask pooli forum
Allow changing payment method for active subscriptions
Fixed a bug that shows a null error message during checkout

3.11.0 / May 15, 2023
Equipment Cost Estimation: Now get a comprehensive view of your ongoing equipment costs with our updated 'Cost To Operate' tool. Track the usage costs of Pumps, Lights, Robotic Cleaners, and Heaters by day/month/year.
Chemical Atlas Search: We've added a search feature to our Chemical Atlas. Now, you can quickly find any information about pool chemicals at your fingertips!

3.10.0 / Apr 16, 2023
We've added support for natural, freshwater, and biguanide pools as well as several requested supplemental sanitizers. If you use Ozone, UV, AOP, or Ionization systems, or if you use mineral or enzyme supplements to lower your chlorine demand, we now support targets and provide basic DIY reminders We've also added iron and biguanide tests This release improves how we dose muriatic acid for lowering Total Alkalinity to be more realistic, and improves when we recommend chlorine adjustments based on CYA

3.9.4 / Mar 28, 2023
Fixes ability to see 3-inch tab sizes within valid range of pool size. Cleans up ui around unit sizes and effects calculations Fixes problem where water report was not showing after test strip scan Fix topic selection in Ask Pooli forum

3.9.1 / Jan 24, 2023
Remove CYA by default for indoor pools Fix navigation bar color in Analysis

3.9.0 / Jan 24, 2023
Added bromine support for Pooli Scan. If your pool's default sanitizer is bromine, the scanner will automatically switch to bromine from chlorine.

For club members, when you share your pool, they can now use the test strip scanning on your pool. This can be useful if you are sharing your pool with a technician or are an organization that has one club account and many people testing the same pool(s). Switched out store for Ask Pooli feature. The Ask Pooli forum is now the last tab on the right. The shop has been moved to the Balance tab below your water report.

3.8.0 / December 20, 2022
* A new dashboard that allows you to see how you're doing compared to other Pooli users and view monthly high scores
* We've added an AI, Percy Jackson, to the Ask Pooli feature. Percy is here to answer your questions and engage in friendly conversation.
* The ability to reply to responses in chat, making it easier to have side conversations (and to chat with Percy)
* The option to silence all reminders from Preferences, which is especially useful when closing down your pool for the winter. Remember to turn them back on in the spring!

3.7.2 / November 30, 2022
Fix grey background during checkout.

3.7.1 / November 29, 2022
- Disable custom chlorine targets set if you have auto-adjust turned on.
- Add missing Muriatic Acid recommendation for alkalinity.
- Fixed CSI not showing solution recipe if hidden by other combo problems.
- Fix labeling of CH to TH in scanner view.
- Improve accuracy of pH and alkalinity scanning.

3.7.0 / October 24, 2022
All new drain/refill tool that guides you through the process and helps you plan and execute the perfect drain and refill! Find it in Pool Tools OR from the new and improved water logging feature.

Not everyone has a water meter tracking their water additions, and so we improved how you can track your water to detect leaks … check out the new Add Water tool in the left menu.

We've fixed several bugs and added features that were reported in the Ask Pooli forum and submitted directly to us, thanks for all the great feedback!

3.6.0 / September 28, 2022
iPad support! We made it even easier to add exact dosages from any add product screen You can now hide log notifications, or badge achievement notifications while using the app from preferences screen Other fixes

3.5.1 / September 11, 2022
Fixed issues deleting logs, barcode scan, and aggregating products with units in history, upload scan, updating tests and test visibility issues, large accessibility size capping

3.5.0 / September 2, 2022
Now include your SWG setting, filter pressure, test method, and add observations (notes, pdfs, images, etc) directly to your water tests You can remove inline product suggestions (remove ads) from preferences View your test strip scans in-line with tests Test results can now be added to Ask Pooli posts from any previous test. Notes and observations will be added to the post as well. Share your entire pool diagnostic with just a tap. View complete history now scrolls through your entire history Fixed issues deleting logs, barcode scan, and aggregating products with units in history

3.4.1 / August 30, 2022
Fixed problems barcode scanning products with custom types Correctly aggregates products in history view Other bug fixes and stability improvements

3.4.0 / August 18, 2022
New expanded Pooli Pro and simplified Pooli Lite subscriptions: Pooli Pro - includes all premium digital features (ie test strip scan, advanced charting, data exporting, tools). Also includes regular test strip deliveries, and a free welcome kit: Pooli inner tube, 180º swivel brush, inflatable drink/speaker holder, color correct card, inflatable pump, and a Pooli beach ball. All inflatables are 10mil+ plastics, designed with the highest quality and care Pooli Lite - includes all premium digital features and color correct card We'd love to hear your feedback on the new subscription model, and let us know what you think by reaching out to support@pooli.app Fixed several dark mode issues and improved several UI features Cleaned up signup/login

3.3.0 / August 1, 2022
All new Dark Mode - includes lots of improvements to Pooli's look and feel. Flip on and off in left menu. Added ability to set number of TODO days from Preferences (default is 4 days showing) Added Calcium hardness which is integrated into CSI without needing adjustment. Enable Calcium Hardness from Test Preferences. Pooli will now calculate adjusted alkalinity for dosing and shown inline with total alkalinity As always, thank you for the great feedback. Keep 'em coming!

3.2.1 / July 13, 2022
Added some graphing and analysis features for Pool Club users It’s interactive, and you can use to predict and balance your pool water to new depths Show and hide test targets to see how your water trends against targets Now you can see tests trend together in the same chart. You can now view product addition data stacked side by side New line charts for seeing additions over time Lastly, If you are confused about anything in the testing and scanning sections, tap the ? to see a guides on using Pooli to test your water

3.2.0 / June 21, 2022
If you want to enter a test and then scan, the Test Strip Scanner now allows updating and preserves tests entered New tool added - Water Replacement Calculator With this tool, use a slider to view the effects in real-time on water tests It pre-loads the water source for your area if it’s available, or you can edit your tap water info A lot of new content is added for water balancing Combo problems are more helpful than ever with an interactive dosage tool Let’s remove all guesswork for any pool problems you may encounter Lastly, you can now delete your account from accounts screen. Your privacy is most important to us, and your personal info can be safely removed whenever you want

3.1.0 / June 5, 2022
You can now update existing water tests After using the test strip scanner, you can add more tests by tapping the more menu on top right of test to edit and then add tests from there Also you can now fix erroneous additions, or mistakes without having to delete and re-add tests We also added in-line replies to responses in Ask Pooli…these will only be visible in version 3.1.0 and later releases. Fixed issue with missing solution types for low CYA and combo problems

3.0.4 / May 26, 2022
Fix sharing and collaboration on pool Sort Ask Pooli topics by score and creation date Other minor improvements

3.0.3 / May 21, 2022
Add quick-hiding of tests in add water test to make one-off testing easier Sort pools in alphabetical order Fixed filling in borates calculation and added decimal to CSI for prior test Ask Pooli recent posts now has infinite scroll Add percentage active ingredient in solution picker

3.0.2 / May 12, 2022
Added tracking of Borates for tests Added Borax, Boric Acid, and Tetraborate Pentahydrate calculators Borates can be enabled in Water Test Preferences and are disabled by default Adjusted CSI to account for total hardness vs. calcium hardness and borates Added 1/4 cup increments for cups

3.0.1 / May 7, 2022
- Added calculation of Calcite Saturation Index (CSI) for tests
- CSI is an important index that indicates if your water will cause scaling (Low CSI) or etching (High CSI) over time
- This can be turned on and off in Water Test Preferences
- We fixed Canadian Zip Codes and issues setting water testing targets

3.0.0 / May 2, 2022
Pooli is turning 3, and we're so excited to introduce: Ask Pooli! Ask Pooli is an in-app forum that provides the entire community with one-stop access to finding solutions to your most challenging pool questions.

We have been flattered by your constructive feedback and communication by email over the last three years, and we wanted everyone to access these valuable solutions in Ask Pooli. Ask questions, share tips, or banter fun water convos with other Pool'ers in Pooli 3. You can locate Ask Pooli in the Balance Pool tab!

Also, we've added the ability to calculate all dosages to the Center of Range as opposed to Minimum Target. This dosage setting is disabled by default; enable this setting in the left menu -> Preferences -> Change Test Targets

We now show all unit types in the dosage area, where you can add the prefilled value directly to your pool.

2.5.9 / March 31, 2022
- We added support for mineral pools.
- Enhanced test target recommendations based on your pool type and sanitization method. Check out the updated Test Targets screen from Test Preferences menu.
- Unit types are now saved and automatically chosen for for each product you add.
- Fixed inventory bug for merging and changing product types. Other bug fixes and enhancements.

2.5.8 / March 24, 2022
- Pool Club Members can now export all their logs, and inventory to CSV
- Export by Log type, and by date range, and send to email or your favorite spreadsheet app
- Added links to change order and visibility of tests directly from the water test view

2.5.7 / March 18, 2022
By request, now you can track your dip time! Dip Tracker is in the left menu, and you can use this to optimize sanitization and prevent unhealthy contaminant build-up in your water! It's also useful to remember special occasions like first and last swims of the season.

We added support for copper levels due to popular demand. Pooli will teach you how copper can help and hurt your water. If you use a copper ionizer, or minerals to reduce your chlorine consumption, now you can use Pooli to dial in your equipment. Turn on copper tracking in preferences -> change tests

Fixed issue to support multiple pools where reminders were not updated on all pools with inventory changes.
Fixed issue around monthly achievements not resetting.

2.5.6 / March 4, 2022
- Fixed bugs in shared pools, test preferences, and store searching features.

2.5.3 / February 25, 2022
- Now right under your Pool you'll have access to your pool's notes with inline images and documents
- Here you can snap photos, add textual notes, or even add PDFs to your pool
- We've also updated the bottom navigation bar to a have a bit more contrast and include a button for quickly adding tests, maintenance, products, or notes
- The My Pools page has a bit of a cleaner look, so let us know how it works for you, and please keep the great feedback coming!

2.5.2 / February 12, 2022
- Now, see your recent additions from the add log menu. Just hit the "+" button and to quickly add repeat solutions to your pool or inventory
- Also fixed problem when adding photos or taking images in Notes
- Fixed a refresh bug when creating a heat or fill timer

2.5.1 / February 2, 2022
- Pooli now automatically reduces your test strip inventory after testing
- We also let you know when you are getting low

2.5.0 / January 28, 2022
We've finally done it! We overhauled the test strip scanner algorithm from the ground up and are happy to introduce the first-ever deep machine-learning color correction scanner! Test results are faster and more accurate! We're also constantly adding verified scans to our machine modeling, so stay tuned for even better near-perfect results.

Also in this release: you can now specify values for testing. Tap on the color circles next to test entries to enter your exact values quickly. A ton of work went into this release, so please let us know how these updates work for you!

2.4.5 / December 2, 2021
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Fixes bug that would not allow you to change your pool size.
- Highlight all pool club features with fancy golden shimmer.

2.4.3 / November 19, 2021
Added tool to quickly calculate the cost of operating a pumps, check out tools in the left menu.

New Pool Tools!
- Heat timer - Enter BTU or Watts of your heater, and we'll set a timer and reminder for when your water will be heated to desired temp
- Fill timer - Enter flow rate of water source, and we'll calculate the time to fill
- We also added the pool size calculator as a standalone tool
- We fixed problem where you might encounter blank screen loading the Test Water and Test Strip Scan

2.4.1 / November 5, 2021
Added tool to quickly calculate the cost of operating a pumps, check out tools in the left menu.
Fixed bug causing test saves to fail (Thanks Tim)
UI improvements

2.4.0 / October 29, 2021
Scan any product barcode from 'Add Product' to quickly add a product to your pool or inventory
We also added custom product types, so any product you dream up can be tracked in Pooli
Pooli now keeps your inventory up to date as you complete product todos or reminders
We updated the payments platform with more security, and we're rolling out Pool Club to Australia and Canada
Fixed problem of Trichlor tabs being selected for bromine pools

2.3.0 / September 30, 2021
We improved the test strip scan experience with an advanced machine learning model. This means:
- Much better test object detection
- Handles more lighting conditions
- Automatic detection and selection of color correct card

Fixed a bug when selecting existing maintenance reminders
Increment bromine by .1 instead of 1 ppm

2.2.3 / September 4, 2021
Now we offer teaspoon sized increments for more accurate hot tub and spool measurements
Added kidney-shaped pool volume calculator
Fixed calculations for oval shaped pools
A lot of under the hood changes, let us know if anything is off or missing, and thanks as always for the great feedback!

2.2.2 / August 18, 2021
Now available to Australian and Canadian pool and hot tub owners!
Fixed Trichlor calculation for some edge cases.
Ad opt in for Facebook ad personalization.
Performance improvements.

2.2.1 / August 10, 2021
Added calculators for oxidizing shock, flocculant, clarifier, algaecide, and liquid solar cover.
We used industry recommended dosages and calculate appropriate additions for your pool size.
You can customize active ingredient percentages, and weekly additions in your inventory.
Check out Pooli's Chemical Atlas in the left menu or the Add Product screen to view calculations for each of these solutions.

2.2.0 / July 31, 2021
When I first started in pool care, I was lost. If only there was an easy way to collaborate on pool care.
Introducing pool sharing! Collaborate, learn, monitor, and delegate your pool's logs by sharing your pool with others.
Share with a spouse, friend, child, pool tech, customer, chemical guru, whatever!
You control write or read-only access to your shared pools and be notified when others log additions of any kind.

Also in this release:
- Pool Club members now see min and max targets in water test graphs
- Update your email address from account section
- Selecting a solution in your inventory now is reflected in Add Product screen

2.1.4 / July 15, 2021
See your total xp, current streak and longest streak tracking in profile.
UI improvements, bug fixes, and some performance improvements.

2.1.3 / July 3, 2021
Fix showing Phosphates, TDS, and CC for existing users, previously: Pooli now supports recording your Phosphates, Total Dissolved Solids, and Combined Chlorine levels in your water tests and reports.
These can be turned on with many other water tests from Preferences in the left menu.
We've updated the chemical reference guide to include Algaecides.
We now allow you to find out more detail by tapping any recommended dosage.

2.1.2 / July 2, 2021
Pooli now supports recording your Phosphates, Total Dissolved Solids, and Combined Chlorine levels in your water tests and reports. These can be turned on with many other water tests from Preferences in the left menu.
We've updated the chemical reference guide to include Algaecides.
We now allow you to find out more detail by tapping any recommended dosage.
We fixed a problem where the scanning was not allowing you to adjust total chlorine.

2.1.0 / June 25, 2021
We've made pool care a bit more fun with some unique badges, achievements, and levels.
You start as a Beginner, and may some day become a Pool Legend. Your pool or spa is guaranteed to improve as you progress.
You can also personalize your profile name and picture, or it shows your most recent badge.
Now you can look ahead to further out reminders.
Lastly, we re-designed Color Correct Card version 2 which starts shipping for new Pool Club members. This one has 32 high def Pantone colors, which help you with optimal Test Strip Scanning.

2.0.6 / May 6, 2021
Fix a crash post purchase

2.0.5 / May 3, 2021
Now you can print or share your water report!
Email or print water dosages and problems right from Pooli
We fixed a bug with zip codes starting with 0, sorry New England states
We added liquid pool solar and pool solar covers to product additions/reminders

2.0.4 / April 5, 2021
Easier to use + and - buttons in water tests
New options when you swipe left on a todo
Helpful hints for test strip scanning
Improved scanning accuracy
New educational products in Pooli Store - Check out Swim University's amazing courses!
Fixed calculations with custom chemical percents (ie. Liquid Chlorine 12.5%)
Fix bug on linking account

2.0.3 / February 27, 2021
New feature - automate your regular chemical additions with custom product reminders.
Simply check the box in your todo list when you add, and Pooli tracks the addition, reduces your inventory, and schedules the next reminder!

Also fixes bugs:
1) adding records for past dates is fixed
2) date range now includes current day additions in history view

2.0.2 / February 10, 2021
- Fix add product bug
- Fix no such payment (id error)

2.0.1 / February 8, 2021
- Fix problem if you have multiple pools
- Logs were only being saved on the first pool from the Test Strip Scanner and other places

2.0.0 / February 1, 2021
- Pooli 2.0 brings more features than ever, and we are introducing the optional "Pool Club" membership.
- Club members get Test strips and the amazing Color Correction Card shipped to your door. You'll get the best strips, always fresh, and always up to date.
- Pooli’s test strip scanner has been upgraded and added to the club. Club members will get the new Color Correction Card which corrects ambient lighting.

- Other benefits include:
- Interactive charts of chemical usage and testing results
- Analysis that interprets your tests and additions and calculates how to minimize your chemical demand
- Lastly, Pool/Tub Club members receive 5% off all Pooli products always!
- We commit to never charge for any of the core features that let you maintain, and keep your pool balanced.
- Other noteworthy additions:
- Historical sorting and filtering of your logs
- Badges for overdue tasks
- Full screen notes
- Apple pay integration

1.5.2 / November 23, 2020
- Fix water targets not loading (Thanks Nathan Y. for heads up)!
- Maintenance reminder durations persist properly
- Allow longer custom pool maintenance reminders
- Allow adding decimals to percent concentration of solution
- Fix water test kit link

1.5.1 / November 5, 2020
We’ve added a chemical reference database. Next time you need to know what chemical you are looking at online, in a store, or in Pooli, we have all the info you’ll need. We dive into in each solution and provide the effect it has on your water.
Thanks for the inspiration, Denise G!

Also, have you noticed that bleach has different concentrations, like 6%, 12% etc? Now you can control the active ingredient percentage for any chemical, which we then use to calculate dosages, effects, inventory, and additions.
Set any default concentration by tapping on the Solution wherever you see “Effects”

Also in this release:
- Fix mis-labeled test strips (aquachek 7 should work when selected again)
- Fix dead amazon links
- Better login error messaging (Thanks Jason S.)

1.5.0 / October 28, 2020
As pool season fades to winter, we are releasing a brand-new shopping experience. Pooli’s biggest initiative yet for re-imagining pool care starts here. We are proud to be an authorized pool supply reseller and are ready to unlock wholesale prices to our community.

Check out the new in-app store and we’ll be constantly adding featured deals, the bigger this gets, the more savings will come! When you purchase Pooli products in-app, you’ll see them added to your inventory automatically, show your savings, and throw in a few extra surprises we think you’ll love. Pooli products will have the benefit of being heavily integrated into the app.

Also in this release:
- Select order and visibility of what to test in your pool
- Easy reminder cancellation and skipping
- Address book and wallet secure storage
- Record your water temperature
- And a whole lot more...

1.4.1 / August 12, 2020
- Pooli now combines effects of different chlorine sanitizers to calculate the exact dosage remaining to bring up your chlorine targets.
- We also fixed metric calculations for product additions and historical logs, thanks Jakub S. for the tip!
- We’ve cleaned up the product view a bit.
- We added detail to the instructions for several solutions.

1.4.0 / July 31, 2020
- Now you can use Pooli to create repeatable or one-time reminders for any pool maintenance or service!
- Tap the “+” icon on any tab and you will see the newly designed menu for your every pool service need.

- We improved recommendations for high chlorine.
- Added Algaecide to regularly scheduled pool products.
- Complete customizations of what you can log and add can be controlled from the reminder settings in the left menu.
- Water meter logging is in left menu if you are used to seeing it in from “+” menu.
- Fixed problem auto adjusting for CYA for some chlorine problems.
- Changed solution name, “Bleach” to “Chlorinating Liquid” in solution pickers.
- Simplified date filtering in History.

Hit us up with questions/concerns/stories, Pooli is committed to giving Pool owners the best tools for making DIY pool care a breeze!

1.3.9 / July 28, 2020 After you complete a pool test strip scan or water chemical test, you are now taken to your pool report to see a summary of your results - Thanks for the tip Jon M!
- If you have high Cyanuric Acid, we do not recommend any stabilized products.
- The best fit pool product was not showing correctly in some cases, now we show you the BEST fit!
- Pool products search now returns already labeled items - Also, did you know you can add any maintenance you can think of in the Add Maintenance settings? Clean Salt Cell, Add Algaecide, Change Filter, etc, all can be recorded and scheduled so you never forget your important pool maintenance tasks.

1.3.8 / July 17, 2020
- Now you can customize the default maintenance list to your liking. Thank you, Ron M for the suggestion
- New test strip scan support for Clorox 6-Way Test Strips. You are no longer tied to Aquachek 7 for test strip scanning
- UI improvements to the test strip scan adjust screen
- Highlight best-fit, lowest-price product suggestions

1.3.7 / July 8, 2020
There are many combinations of chemicals that cause pool owners headaches.
In this release, any time you add a test, Pooli now detects bad combos, tells you what's up, and guides you to the proper fix.
For example, did you know high total chlorine and low free chlorine results in smelly swimmers, or low ph and low alkalinity can wreak havoc on your pool?
Also in this release, we have added smarter product recommendations (lookin at you Spincane) that helps find the cheapest alternative for any problem
Fixes problem that causes test scans to hang when saving, thank you Tyler for your help finding this
Fixes a problem where water meter tests do not load
Fixes a problem where tab or shock addition does not re-schedule reminder
We also doubled the speed of saving Pooli scans

Hit us up with any problem or feedback, we love hearing from you.

1.3.6 / June 22, 2020
Fixed bug causing blank inventory screen.
Your Pooli History has been upgraded with an easy to use calendar

At a glance you'll see:
How many maintenances you have performed this month,
How many times your water has been balanced
How much water has been added
How much of each chemical you have added...and more.
By aggregating your history, Pooli gives you more control over your pools!

1.3.5 / June 20, 2020
Your Pooli History has been upgraded with an easy to use calendar

At a glance you'll see:
How many maintenances you have performed this month,
How many times your water has been balanced
How much water has been added
How much of each chemical you have added...and more.
By aggregating your history, Pooli gives you more control over your pools!

1.3.4 / June 10, 2020
Added ideal target range in Water Test Sliders
Change targets from Add Test View
Improved instructions in chemical suggestions
Fixed pounds to gallons for water solutions
Increased color saturation for Test Strip Scan

1.3.3 / June 6, 2020
Now you can set custom "targets" for your water from the Pooli Side drawer
For example, set to "shock" if you have green or cloudy water, and Pooli will adjust your targets and dosages appropriately
You can even have Pooli auto-adjust your chlorine dosages based off your Cyanuric Acid (CYA) reading

We made some improvements to test strip scanning
New white balance algorithm
Real-time feedback so you can see what your camera is picking up

1.3.2 / May 21, 2020
See the effects any solution will have on your water. Pooli now gives you "effects of adding" from Add Product view.
We implemented more accurate white balancing in test strip scan
We added some visual elements and simplified user experiences
Also fixed a few bugs in reminders and todos

1.3.1 / May 14, 2020
Added search in Pooli store - sort items by price/oz
You can add anything from search results into your inventory
Set category and weight on inventory items and view total cost of inventory products
Fixed hang when adding test with high chlorine, among other bug fixes.

1.3.0 / May 5, 2020
Now you can use Pooli to keep an inventory of your chemicals and equipment

Inventory lets you:
-Track history of products you use and get reminded when inventory is low
-Track inventory across multiple pools if you are a Pool Pro

Price compare by displaying chemicals sorted by lowest to highest price/oz
Moved menu to left side of screen to make room for inventory
Added back salt and peroxide sanitizers
Update prior notes
Set schedule updates current reminders
Allows you to enter a pool size with a decimal
Does not show ph if both ph and alkalinity are high - same solution

1.2.3 / April 25, 2020
Log images and pdfs! This is useful for
- Product Manuals and Warranties
- Pictures of equipment or water problems
- Chemical reports
- Any pdf or image can be saved to a note for later viewing. We think this will be very useful, let us know what you like to record!

Also added nudging on Chemical Tests. Now you can nudge the result up and down to add precision.
Added “get more” which curates best-fit chemicals from the add product screen.
You can now specify date ranges in water meter logs
As always, we sincerely appreciate the great feedback from our growing Pooli community!

1.2.2 / April 9, 2020
Now with Pooli SCAN, simply hold a test strip below your camera, and Pooli scans in your results

Fixes hang when saving chemical test

1.2.1 / April 8, 2020
Introducing...Pooli SCAN!
Hold a test strip below your camera, and Pooli scans in your results.

This will reduce human error and the guesswork from eyeballing those difficult test strips.
From a 3-second scan, Pooli will detect any problems in your pool and link you directly to the best-fit solutions.
We are excited about this fun feature, and drop us a line if we can make it even better
With state-of-the art machine learning technology, the more people that use it, the better it will get. Spread the word!

Also in this release:
Test Entry has a new dark mode look
Tests are entered using a color dragger so that you can zero in on the correct color
You can also change your results by tapping the individual rows

Fixes a login crash
Fixes rounding on chemicals

1.2.0 / April 3, 2020
Introducing...Pooli SCAN!
Hold a test strip below your camera, and Pooli scans in your results.
This will reduce human error and the guesswork from eyeballing those difficult test strips.
From a 3-second scan, Pooli will detect any problems in your pool and link you directly to the best-fit solutions.
We are excited about this fun feature, and drop us a line if we can make it even better
With state-of-the art machine learning technology, the more people that use it, the better it will get. Spread the word!

Also in this release:
Test Entry has a new dark mode look
Tests are entered using a color dragger so that you can zero in on the correct color
You can also change your results by tapping the individual rows

1.1.5 / March 4, 2020
Product reminders stay in sync if you delete or add products.
Selecting a product addition allows you to duplicate the product again.
Bug fixes around reminder messages and throughout the app.

1.1.4 / February 29, 2020
No login needed, you can now check the app out first. Link your email later from settings, if you want to save your data securely.

Product addition todos are much smarter in this release.
Now Pooli can notify you with precise dosages and solutions for any type of pool.
It intelligently pre-fills best-fit solutions, amounts, and units to add with a single tap from the todo. It stores your last used solution as default if you use a different chemical.
Pooli will even aggregate totals when you add multiple doses and notify you of any remainder needed!

Also in this release:
Fixes a sizing issue for lower resolution phones.
Better notification messages.
Cup measurements are now rounded to quarter cups

1.1.2 / February 26, 2020
We added support for pools that use Hydrogen Peroxide as a sanitizer.
H2O2 is known to be non-toxic, odor-free, and hypo-allergenic among other interesting health benefits.
We also updated the app so you don't get locked out of screens if you are using a large text.
We added all measurements when adding products so you don't have to get the calculator out.
We fixed other bugs and touched up design here and there. Thank you for your feedback on Pooli, and we can't wait to hear from you!

1.1.1 / February 22, 2020
Added smart reminders for water metering...if you meter your pool!
If you don't, well, water metering is an important part of pool care. Aside from detecting leaks, it helps discover the root cause of chemical imbalances. - check out Pooli Deals to find the lowest-cost water metering setup you can get!
Also in this release, new onboarding makes it as simple as possible to add your pool or tub.
Lastly, 1.1.1 fixes a problem of new chemical log dates being set to previous chemical log dates!

1.1.0 / February 15, 2020 v1.1.0 brings lots of new Features! Do you ever forget the last time you changed your filter? Would you like to know how often you add chlorine without having to check your floater? Or maybe you would like to stop winging it on water tests? We're pumped to bring you smart todos. Smart todos will help you tackle all these common problems and a lot more! It's like a calendar just for your pool care. In addition, we added an onboarding experience that will help personalize your pool care.

1.0.2 / January 25, 2020
Added safety ratings for water imbalances.
Now, when there's a chemical problem in your pool, we tell you the severity.
There's two forms of severity - swim safety and equipment safety.
Black needs attention soon, orange is a problem that needs attention in the short term. And red is dangerous to equipment or swimmers and needs attention right now.
Fixed UX in pool size estimator.
Added Pool Toys!

1.0.0 / January 18, 2020
Initial Release.